Days ahead of vote, ESD2 officials seek to clarify polling location for voters

By John Dilmore


Days before the May 6 election during which Emergency Services District No. 2 (ESD2) voters will decide on a proposed sales and use tax, ESD2 officials are working to clear up confusion about where ballots will be cast.

The proposal is for a sales and use tax of 0.25 percent (one-quarter percent) within the ESD2 territory.

Some voters have assumed they’ll be able to vote at their regular polling places, according to Assistant Fire Chief Eric White. But in fact, balloting for the sales tax will occur at the County Voting Building in Linden, he said Tuesday afternoon.

Fire Chief Chuck Weerts, later Tuesday, posted additional information to the ESD2 Facebook page.

“To cast a vote for the sales tax election you must go to the Cass County Voting Building at 207 E. Rush Linden, Texas,” the post read in part.

“No other polling places will be open in the E.S.D. #2’s area on Saturday, May 6. We encourage everyone to go and vote. We are sorry for any inconveniences this may have caused.”

Weerts encouraged those with questions about the election to call him at 903-824-5508.

Additional information about the election can be found on the ESD2 Facebook page at

It’s hoped revenue from the proposed tax will help ESD2 combat funding challenges that include a fleet of aging vehicles.

“Most districts try to keep at least one engine that is less than 10 years old,” White told the Citizens Journal last month. ESD2 firefighters work with a number of vehicles significantly older.

A new engine is the department’s biggest need, but placing a station in the area of Cass would be help­ful as well. Improvements to existing stations are also needed, district officials said.

The district currently receives most of its funding from property taxes and it was thought a small sales and use tax was a better route than trying to in­crease property tax, White said last month.

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