Commissioners issue proclamations, discuss banking contract renewal

By Ben Woods

The Cass County Commissioners’ court last week approved a proclamation declaring that May 25-27 are Daughters of The Republic Texas Days. 
The court also approved an action naming April 30 through May 7 Soil and Water Stewardship Week. 
The court appointed Cass County Treasurer Donna Early to negotiate a new two-year contract with Guaranty Bank and Trust on behalf of Cass County. 
Early answered questions from commissioners and explained the banking situation of the county. 
“It’s up to the court if we want to renew or go out for bids,” said Early. 
Commissioner Jon Borseth asked for an explanation of the services Guaranty Bank and Trust provides. 
“Guaranty Bank is our depository where we keep our payroll and general fund, and is where we keep all of the county’s money,” said Early.
County Judge Becky Wilbanks asked Early if she was pleased with the rates right now. 
“We are at the point where we negotiate with them and the bank does have the option to go up on their rates and we can accept or go back to bids,” said Early.  
“There are a few things that I think we need to talk to them about,” said Early.

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