Vote “Yes” for L-K Bonds

By Bobby Horn Jr.
Ben Franklin once observed, “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” With all due respect to the distinguished gentleman from Pennsylvania, but I would add one more to that certainty- politics. After all you can’t talk taxes (or money) without talking politics.
This November election cycle the biggest issue is not which megalomaniac gets to live in the White House but how our property taxes will be impacted by two local referendums.
Voters will get to decide whether or not Linden-Kildare CISD is allowed to issue $7.9 million in bonds “for the construction, acquisition, renovation and equipment of school buildings in the district and the purchase of technology” (their words). If approved the school district would have to raise property taxes to pay off the bonds.
Whenever voters have to decide to follow an action that would lead to higher taxes, there is one question that must be asked: Does the benefit outweigh this cost? If the answer is yes, then it’s a no-brainer. If the answer is no or equal, then a “no” vote makes sense.
The benefits of the schoolhouse bonds outweigh the costs.
It is the obligation of every district to provide the best educational opportunity that it can—and this takes money. I’m not talking about wasteful spending, but necessities. Every L-K campus needs improvements; whether it be cosmetic, structural or accessibility. This cannot be debated. Security upgrades are a must. We live in a time in which schools must take extra steps to ensure the safety of its students and staff.
Remember, no one thinks that something bad will happen at their school until its does. Then who is blamed- the district. Being proactive is so much better than being reactive.
If you are interested in seeing economic growth in Linden, then support your schools. I may not be an expert in urban planning but even I know good, safe schools is a selling point for any outside investor and family looking for a place to relocate.
In the simplest terms, vote “For” Linden-Kildare bonds.
My response to the Texarkana College annexation is more complicated.
Obviously, Texarkana College (and the TC Foundation) is spending money with the newspaper based on the number of advertisements over the last few months. So, if I write “vote yes” then I must be a sellout. However, if I write “vote no” then I am kowtowing to the anti-tax crowd.
So what do I do? The easiest thing to do is write nothing. But oftentimes the easiest thing to do is not always the right thing to do and I have I have to at myself in the mirror each day.
So what do I think? If you can only vote for one- vote for LK. If you have the ability to vote for both, go back to the original question- does the benefit outweigh the cost?
The worst thing you can do is not vote.
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