Linden awarded water/ sewer grant

 By Bobby Horn Jr.
LINDEN—The City of Linden will share in more than a million and a half dollars in aid to Northeast Texas communities to im­prove their infrastructure.
Last week Agriculture Commissioner Sid Mill­er announced the Texas Department of Agricul­ture (TDA) had awarded $1,650,000 total to five cities and one county in Northeast Texas.
“These federal funds are administered through TDA’s Texas Community Development Block Grant (TxCDBG) program to sup­port vibrant communities, suitable living conditions and expand economic op­portunities in rural Texas,” Miller said.
Through the block grant, the City of Linden will re­ceive $275,000 for water treatment infrastructure improvements.
City Administrator Bob Swisher said they would use the funds to upgrade water and sewer lines. Part of the grant package, he added, will also provide water ser­vice for Hamilton Street be­tween Hwy. 8 and Hwy. 155.
The city is expected to contribute $25,000 to the project, bringing the package total to $300,000. “Rural communities work hard every day to provide a great place for people to live,  work and raise their fami­lies,” Miller said. “Yet, some smaller Texas communities can’t financially support the kind of large public works projects that will improve and strengthen their local quality of life. That’s where the Texas Department of Agriculture helps by making sure that rural Texas com­munities have equal access to federal funding available for these kinds of improve­ments.”

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