Linden Heritage Foundation to meet, hold election Jan. 23

From Staff Reports
LINDEN-- The first Annual Meeting the Membership of the Linden Heritage Foundation will be held on  Jan. 23, at the Linden Garden Club (300 E Houston St) starting at 2 pm.  All members are encouraged to attend and exercise their right to vote for 2016 Board of Directors.
The agenda for the meeting includes: welcome, introduction of nominating committee members, nominating committee submits slate of directors for election, explanation of voting process, tabulate vote, and announce results, review of foundation financial statement, review of past and current activities, questions and comments, announcement of next quarterly meeting of Board of Directors – date, time, and location, refreshments and visitation.
The Board of Directors will meet following the business meeting to discuss: election of officers, staggered terms of dDirectors, committee formation and goals for 2016.
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