Tower Demolition Delayed

Alternative plans sought for tower

By Bobby Horn Jr.

Sun Editor


LINDEN--  It took two votes to do it, but last week the City of Linden postponed demolition of the old water tower by cancelling the contract with Iseler Demolition.

On July 13 the city awarded a $24,180 contract to Iseler Demolition for the removal of the tower. Iseler, a Michigan-based company that specializes in water tower demolitions, was the low-bidder on the job.

About the same time, the city learned that an outside group of investors had expressed an interest in acquiring the old tower and renovating it for non-water storage use.

On Aug. 7, council was scheduled to reconsider the contract during its regular meeting. However the misspelling of Iseler name on the agenda as “Eisler Demolition” followed by an official complaint by a citizen prevented council from taking up the issue.

Mayor Clarence Burns said the council already had a budget meeting planned for Aug. 17, so he decided to put the item back on the agenda with the proper spelling.

When the item came up for discussion, Alderman Sue Lazara made a motion that council cancel the contract with Iseler and that the city invite all proposals by interested parties for the development of the tower. 

Read the rest of the story in the Aug. 26, edition of the Cass County Sun.

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