Cass County Days declared at State Capital

By Robin Aaron
A delegation of Cass County officials and residents attended Cass County Days March 3 and 4 to make contact with important legislators at the state capital in Austin. More than 30 made the trip from the local area to put a face to Cass County in hopes to influence laws and legislation regarding Cass County.
Though winter weather shortened the trip for some, attendees said they felt confident that their presence at the capital had made a difference and were encouraged by what they heard from the local district’s senator and representative.
The group met with both Sen. Eltife, Rep. Chris Paddie, staff members and other officials at the capital to discuss important legislation and hear reports on the current session.
Tuesday evening, March 3, the delegation met for a reception at the Austin DoubleTree Suites. They were joined by Senator Kevin Eltife and staff and State Rep. Chris Paddie and staff...

Read the full story in the March 11 midweek edition of the Citizens Journal.

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