City council approves LEDC budget 4 to 1
Submitted by Casscounty1 on
By Angela Guillory
Linden Economic Development Corporation’s (LEDC) budgets passed the second attempt on Sept. 8 at the Linden City Council meeting. The motion passed four to one in favor of the two budgets but not without a considerable amount of discussion beforehand.
The LEDC attempted to pass the budget on Aug. 11. With the mayor breaking the tie vote, the council asked that the budgets be resubmitted with changes to the format.
A quorum of the LEDC board attended the Sept. 8 meeting of the city council, to once again present the LEDC’s budget in a format that the entire council could easily understand. The LEDC called their meeting in conjunction to be able to answer and act on any further budget issues that might be brought up by the council.
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