CHRISTUS St. Michael Health System receives 2014 Texas Award for Performance Excellence

Health System was one of three organizations to be recognized with the 2014 Texas Award for Performance Excellence. Each year, the Quality Texas Foundation recognizes organizations that serve as a role model for demonstrating exceptional performance in all areas of organizational management – leadership, strategic planning, customer focus, measurement, analysis and knowledge management, workforce focus, operations focus and results. CHRISTUS St. Michael received the award during the annual Texas Quest for Excellence Conference held June 23-24 in Addison, Texas.
Examiners with Quality Texas visited the CHRISTUS St. Michael campus for a week to evaluate hospital operations relative to the Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence and other methods that drive efficiency and effectiveness in determining this year’s award recipients. CHRISTUS St. Michael received a detailed report that it will use to continue to improve upon its processes and delivery of services in preparation for the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award.


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