Happy Mother’s Day

By Bryan Baggett
Pinecrest Baptist Church
It is that time of year again. No, not graduation, not high school playoffs, not NBA playoffs, not hockey . . . who watches hockey, anyway! It is that time of year. Mother’s Day! 
For most of us Mother’s day is either a time of gladness because we get to celebrate, a time of sadness, for our mother is gone, or a time of stress, for we don’t want to mess this day up. 
The mistake pastors and preachers often make is by preaching from Proverbs 31 or some other sweet passage, and speaking about how wonderful all the mothers are. Then on Father’s day we lay out a long list of what fathers are doing wrong and what they need to do to correct the situation. If we preached like that on Mother’s Day, we’d be run out of town. Myself? I take the easy way out. 
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